logstash logging connectors (logstash-gelf)
Provides logging to logstash using the Graylog Extended Logging Format (GELF) 1.0 and 1.1. Following log frameworks/integrations are supported:
- Java Util Logging
- Java Util Logging JSON Formatter
- log4j 1.2.x
- log4j 1.2.x JSON Layout
- log4j 2.x
- JBoss 7
- WildFly
- WildFly JSON Formatter
- Thorntail (WildFly Swarm 2.x)
- Logback
requires as of version 1.14.0 Java 7 or higher. Version 1.13.x and older require Java 6.
How to get
Direct download from Maven Central
JBoss AS/WildFly Module Download:
Direct download from Maven Central